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Thanks for attending Toileting The Montessori Way!

The cheat sheet and demonstration videos are below.


 If you're facing obstacles, not making the progress you hoped or need to know how to make a start I've made weekly extra support sessions available. These are 1hr long small group sessions for a maximum of 10 people to connect with other parents, share challenges and discuss ways to move forward.


Warmest regards,

Ferne van Zyl



Your resources :)



SMALL Group Support
1 Hr






Once a child is showing some signs of physical readiness and interest in the toileting process it's time to look at how to adapt the environment to meet their changing developmental needs! We can create a simple, practical space to aid their independence.

Cheat Sheet

Stay on track!

Stick this up on the fridge or somewhere within the toileting environment you've set up.


Early Intro to hand washing

Using a 2-Step.

Handwashing is the first milestone to bathroom independence. It can mastered long before a child is going to the potty.


Standing UP

NAppy Change

Collaborative dressing.

A start to increasing independence.


3 Year old


Collaborative dressing

leads to independent dressing. It takes time but having these skills before going off to school is very liberating for kids.


Learning to Wipe

A slow, relaxed start

without stressing about getting it perfect leads to confident, independent wiping over time. The child can do the first part and the adult can do the final clean. It takes a while to master of course so having a pressure free approach helps to encourage progress.


Get practical tips on nurturing your child's natural drive for independence with guides, inspiration and early bird access to upcoming parent workshops!

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